Zika remains an important threat to public health

It is an arbovirus disease that is asymptotic in the majority of cases but can cause serious health issues, including severe birth abnormalities. Case numbers are increasing and yet there is a lack of detection and also mis-diagnosis for other vector-borne diseases such as malaria. This is a facility to connect those working to address Zika through the generation of evidence to understand the burden, describe the disease and work to develop treatments and vaccines. Zika requires a strong component of collaborative and multi-disciplinary research because there is a need for social science data to support public health, education and engagement. This needs the vector scientists to stop transmission and also many other areas such as better detection and diagnosis in this poorly understood disease.

Zika Consortia

ZIKAlliance, ZIKAction, and ZikaPLAN are European Union-funded consortia that work closely to build a preparedness platform in Latin America and the Caribbean. The three consortia collaborate on harmonized protocols for cohort studies of pregnant women, infants, and children, common communication strategies, and the development of data-sharing tools and methodology.
