Dengue cases are increasing across the globe with these numbers being fuelled by changes in the location of mosquito vectors, influenced by climate change, social factors and the movement of people.

There is a need for more and better connected research and so this knowledge sharing facility exists to connect research teams and provide a neutral open space for exchanging methods, seeking help and sharing recommendations for their studies across the globe.

Evaluate Global Initiatives for Coordinated Dengue Data Collection and Outcome Assessment


Webinar Resources

5 Days Webinar Series Dengue Outbreak Control in the African Region. Day1

This webinar series offers a comprehensive guide to Dengue Outbreak Control in the African Region. Day 1 lays the foundation, exploring risk classification, case definition, and diagnosis.

5 Days Webinar Series Dengue Outbreak Control in the African Region. Day 2

Day 2 builds focused on Dengue's clinical management in children and adults to combat this disease effectively.

5 Days Webinar Series Dengue Outbreak Control in the African Region. Day 3

Day 3 delves into integrated vector management, emergency response, and practical approaches, equipping participants with insights to effectively combat the spread of dengue fever.

5 Days Webinar Series Dengue Outbreak Control in the African Region. Day 4

Day 4 focused on the management of Dengue outbreak, risk communication, and community management.

5 Days Webinar Series Dengue Outbreak Control in the African Region. Day 5

Day 5 delves into early warnings and response systems for dengue outbreak, intersectoral collaboration in outbreak management and key steps to follow when there is an out break, .

EPI-WIN Webinar: Managing Dengue: a rapidly expanding epidemic

This webinar delves into essential strategies and insights for effectively managing the surge of dengue cases. Join us as we navigate through practical approaches to address this pressing public health challenge.